The secret to an effective marketing message has less to do with spending the big bucks and more to do with understanding your target market. Regardless of your marketing budget, really good promotional strategies can be implemented if you have the right information about your potential customers and how they behave. Daily, I remind clients and students alike about the importance of getting into the mind of prospective customers and answering the fundamental question….”Why?” With the massive amount of choice that consumers have these days, why would they choose to buy from you? Think about it for a minute…Difficult to answer? My advice: Figure out how your product/service differs from other choices the customer has and then you will be on the right track to communicating to the world “why” they should give you a try.
Of course, for this differentiation strategy to work, insight into what customers want is also extremely helpful. The picture shown above, sent in by a member of MarketingMinded (the Facebook page used in my classes at CSU, Chico) really illustrates these ideas. The promoter of the Bigger Yard Sale not only nailed what garage sale bargain hunters want (lots of choice), but also figured out how to differentiate themselves from the other choices available. In this case, size matters…and from the looks of it, this example of excellent marketing was accomplished on a pretty limited budget.
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